Ecosystem services in the Gwent Levels

The LLNH-5 Ecosystem Services project will identify novel funding mechanisms for future land management activities that enhance ecosystem service delivery. The project will develop business models for new markets for goods and services provided by farmers that manage land sustainably as well as analysing the potential for other income streams associated with tourism products which may be created as part of the wider plans to develop the Gwent Levels as a visitor destination.

It will also consult widely with communities to assess how they value vital ecosystem services such as clean air and water, abundant wildlife and high quality green space which are currently provided in the Gwent Levels but which are also under great pressure. This will help to ensure that future policy mechanisms are aligned with the value we place on our ecosystem services. For more information about the project and upcoming events, please contact Fiona.

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Project Lead
RSPB Cymru

Project Timeline
March 2019 – April 2021

Living Levels reference

Lewis Stallard, Sustaining the Gwent Levels Project Officer