Local Wildlife Sites

The LLS-1 Local Wildlife Sites project aims to ensure that land of a certain habitat quality is designated under the non-statutory sites network (Local Wildlife Sites). The land could be a special orchard, a meadow or it could contain veteran willow trees. There is a lot of potential for new sites to be added which will help ensure the importance of the Gwent Levels is recognised by local planners, helping to reduce inappropriate development.

Through LWS designation, landowners will have the opportunity to learn more about how to manage the natural heritage of the Gwent Levels and will be invited to join a network that are invited to annual Landowner Days held by GWT. There will also be opportunities for volunteers to get involved with ecological surveys so if you interested in being involved or finding out more, please contact Gemma for more information!

Project Lead
Gwent Wildlife Trust

Project Timeline
June 2018 – March 2021

Living Levels reference

Gemma Bode, Living Landscapes Manager