Reeves’s muntjac

Muntiacus reevesi

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A wide range of woodland habitats, arable farmland and even urban parks and gardens. 

Key ID features

  • Small, stocky deer with reddish fur and short legs. 

  • Its tail has a white underside. 

  • Males have short simple antlers and two blackish lines that run across the forehead towards the snout.


Widespread across most of England and Wales.


Large populations of muntjac displace native roe deer. Most significant impact is caused by browsing. They feed on growing crops and woodland regeneration effecting the structure of the shrub and ground layers and the animals that depend on them for food or shelter, such as birds and butterflies. 

Do’s & Don’ts

  • DON’T break the law – you may be guilty of an offence under the Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement & Permitting) Order 2019 if you release muntjac into the environment.

More Information

For more information visit the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat website.

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